When Your Passion Isn’t Your Paycheck

Like many people, the job these athletes might not feel passionate about the jobs they go to everyday. Nevertheless, they have created a life for themselves that includes making a living and living out their passions.

3 Networking Questions For Shy & Introverted Job Seekers, Part 1

It's Thursday evening. You have been working full time and you are tired. You are so worn out that you'd like to call in sick tomorrow, but you can't. How will you "recharge your battery" tonight?

Q&A: Experience Does Not Match Jobs

Juil Yoon

Here is a comment from an adult going back to school to qualify for jobs. It was originally posted on the DeniseMpls Facebook page. "It is very discouraging when you are forced into unpaid internships and low-paying jobs just so you can gain exposure to your chosen field. Entry-level jobs even demand 3-5 years of experience in that field ..."

Take Career Cues From Disney Musicals

Come Recommended mashed up two of my favorite – but very different -- things: career advice and Disney musicals.

What?! Yeah, it happened.

Check out 10 Career Lessons From Disney Heroes to find out how Mulan, Buzz Lightyear and Belle from “Beauty & the Beast” can help your job search.

Uh-Oh, Now You’ve Tick Off An Introvert

The basic idea of telling introverts to act more like extroverts is degrading and unproductive. Introversion and extroversion are naturally occurring personality traits that all of us have. Most people are more extroverted, but that does not make introverts bad or wrong.

People are happiest when they have confidence in who they are and are free to be themselves. We should encourage and support people to play to their strengths, not chastise them for not acting like someone else.