What Is Your Career Identity?

Everyone who wants to find a job that they like, that uses their skills and talents, should be clear about their career identity. Any student or job seeker wanting to enter a field that they will enjoy and has the potential for livable wages should know their career identity. What is career identity, and how do you figure out what your personal career identity?

3 Steps to Help Someone Find the Right Career

"When I ask my teenager about his plans for the future, he thinks I’m talking about next weekend. Seriously, how can I get my teen to think past high school graduation?"

Do You Have a Career? Do You Want One?

What does it mean to “have a career?” Definition: A person's consecutive, often progressive achievement or experience in professional or business life that expresses commitment to a career cluster or pathway. It includes education, training, past jobs, community involvement, and hobbies that demonstrate self-development. Activities do not need to be income-earning to be considered significant … Continue reading Do You Have a Career? Do You Want One?

Free Multicultural Career Services Event March 20

Two event for career changers and job seekers – both free to attend. Go to the Career Management Center on Tuesday or early Wednesday to help prepare you to meet with employers at the Career Fair Wednesday.